Nationwide cat sitters & cat sitting services | Animal Aunts

Cat Sitting

Are you worried about going away on holiday or for a weekend and putting your cat to a cattery? Have you leaned on your friends and neighbours too many times for cat sitting duties? Does your cat have special dietary or medical needs?

Cats are creatures of habit and being independently minded may not take kindly to being moved to an unfamiliar place and having their movements restricted. By having an Animal Aunt/cat sitter your cats can remain in their home and follow their normal routine, their normal meals, their normal diet. Whatever your cats do when you are there, they can do with their cat sitter. The care of your cats can also be combined with the care of all your other animals – and your home.

With an Animal Aunt your cats will:

  • remain in their own home
  • follow their normal routine
  • eat their normal diet
  • continue their usual grooming routine
  • have medication and any other special requirements that are required
  • receive all the love and attention you give them and probably won’t even notice you have gone!

Animal Aunts are a team of passionate cat lovers, many of whom have been owned by cats all their lives.


Daily Visits Available

Daily visits to feed cats can be arranged in certain areas – please phone us to see if we can have a visiting Animal Aunt / cat sitter close enough to keep the travel expenses reasonable. We can always arrange for a residential cat sitter anywhere. If you have any further questions, please email us or visit or frequently asked questions page.

Simon’s Cat

Everyone knows the Internet is made up of 90% Cat Videos, so we thought we’d share one of our faves!

We, at Animal Aunts love the Simon’s Cat videos. Here’s his latest masterpiece… enjoy!
